Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Tunesday: Alabama Shakes

Recently we went to see Alabama Shakes at the Fonda / Music Box in Hollywood.  We did dine at Cleo beforehand, but we've been doing a terrible job documenting our drinking, dining and music adventures, so we'll just make note and move on.

Ok, back to Alabama Shakes.  They are going to be big.  No ... huge.  I try and stay away from superlatives or excessive praise but these guys definitely deserve it.  Their performance was clean and precise as far as their musicianship.  The real deal is the vocals from the lead singer, Brittany Howard.  She can really belt it out and with gallons of soul to boot.

As I was watching them play, I noticed that the crowd was completely absorbed in the music.  None of those annoying people standing around trying to have a conversation over the performance.  Who are those people anyways, and why are they wasting the price of admission to try and talk over the headliner?  I digress.  At the risk of sounding cliché, which is a cliché itself, they were magical.

They are a new act and only have 1 record in the can with hopefully plenty more to come.  Here are some videos since they can do more justice than I can in trying to write about them.  Show me, not tell me, right?

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